I want to write a little something today. Nearly everyday I feel guilt for not doing a little bit of writing. So what better way to start the new year off than spend ten minutes writing. I’d like to do a little bit of writing everyday to kind of “keep my hand in”. I wouldn’t really call this a New Year’s resolution, but mostly just because I hate New Year’s resolutions. I should be writing my memoirs of New Zealand, but I can’t tell you how hard that is! I’ve done a good bit of writing on the topics I wanted to cover, but now comes the editing and research that needs to be done. I love to edit. I just don’t like editing my own work. Or maybe it’s the research I hate more. I’ve done most of the editing of my New Zealand writing, but whenever I edit it I realize there’s a lot of research I need to do to back up what I’m saying. Maybe I should hire a researcher. . .
On a completely other topic, but somewhat related, I’ve chosen the top three words that I’ve learned and incorporated into my vocabulary in 2011. Two of them are very Kiwi-ish to me: reckon and cheers.
Every time I say “I reckon” I think of my friend Richard. He was the first person that I really noticed used this phrase a lot. Every time I say “I reckon” I think of him. I must be thinking of him a lot because I say it several times a day. Even to my ears it still sounds weird and I wonder how it sounds to my friends and family. Although, recently I’ve noticed some of my family members picking up on it.
Cheers. Not as in let’s make a toast, “cheers”, but as in “thank you”. I used to have an Australian guest at my hotel in Seattle who always said “cheers” at the end of our encounters. It drove me nuts. I had no frame of reference for it. Whenever he said it it always made me feel a bit awkward. What do you say in response to “cheers”? You’re welcome? That just never seemed right to me. I even had a conversation with him just to discover exactly what he meant when he said it. Then I went to New Zealand and everyone says “cheers” or “cheers for that”. I had to get used to it. With about 2 or 3 months left in my stay, I started using cheers too. But I still can hardly say it without tacking a “thank you” on at the end. “Cheers. Thank you.” Has become a standard in my lexicon of language. I love to say it especially to sales girls just to watch them squirm at it like I used to. I’m cruel. I know it.
The third new word I’ve begun to use often is “honestly”. I have no clue where I picked this up from! Well, that’s not entirely true. My friend Emily says “honestly” quite often, but I’ve known her forever. How can I have just now picked up this word from her? But somehow it is a major player in my speaking life. Nearly every time I say it I wonder where that it from! I’ve never felt like an “honestly” person, but apparently I am.
Have you picked up any new words or phrases that you didn’t use a year ago? Anything sneaking into your conversations you don’t recognize?