
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Imperfect. Another glass of wine anyone?

February 13, 2011
Wow.  Had such a great night at work.  All our guests are absolutely lovely.  There was the honeymoon couple from Perth, Australia; the older couple from Belgium; the gay couple from Sydney; the family from Connecticut and Washington DC; the Aussie with his Dutch wife and her Dutch sister and brother-in-law; and the woman from Portugal!  Talk about a multi-cultural group!
All these guests showed up to my wine hosting.  People gelled in ways I would not have guessed!  One of the men from Sydney had grown up in Africa and lived in the UK.  He and the honeymoon couple and the Belgian couple, and the woman from Portugal talked up a storm.  I kind of went a little crazy and let everyone have seconds on the wine.  I figured that if Chris found out I’d just offer to pay for two of the bottles of wine.  Whatever!  They were all having such a great time and I didn’t want to ruin it!  Every time I tell people they have to pay for the second glass I put a real damper on the whole thing!
I think this was a result of my decision to live imperfectly.  In the past I’ve made the decision to not live perfectly, but it has never lasted.  I always strive for perfection.  So I decided I would go to the extreme--at least for a little while--and try and live imperfectly.  So tonight I broke the one-glass-of-wine-per-guest rule.  I’m actually really happy about it.  I think it was a good decision even if it wasn’t the perfect decision.  
So yeah.  Here’s to being imperfect!


  1. Annmarie,

    Hurrah! Now you can quit being so hard on yourself. I suspect you may discover it was doing you more harm than good. Enjoy yourself in balanced moderation.

  2. What on earth do you want to be perfect for? Faces are made interesting by their imperfections. Scars are what tell of our past, so what if you have them. I'm only beginning to get to know about you so please accept my rather cryptic comment. God bless you girl.
    By the way, some of the best and most sought after wines in the world are produced right here in Cape town. Geoff.
